Everything You Need to Know About Night Guards

Have you been told that you are grinding your teeth at night? A night guard might help with that.

If you're not sure how a night guard works and if it's right for you, this article is for you. 

What Is Bruxism? 

Bruxism is a condition where people unconsciously grind their teeth either while awake or at night when they are sleeping. 

The problem with bruxism is that a lot of people are not even aware that they are clenching their teeth. They often hear about it from their parents or partners. Their dentist might also diagnose it if they notice signs of wear, flattened or chipped teeth, and so on. 

How Can a Night Guard Help with Bruxism? 

A lot of our patients are wary when we recommend a night guard to manage their bruxism. They don't see it as a big enough problem to require all this effort. But, if left untreated, bruxism can lead to jaw disorders, headaches, and damaged teeth. 

A night guard acts as a physical barrier between your top and bottom teeth. Whenever you try to grind or clench your teeth, you bite into the night guard instead. Moreover, the material from which the night guard is made is designed to absorb the force of your bite and reduce the strain you put on your jaw muscles. 

The Benefits of Wearing a Night Guard 

Here's how a night guard can help:

  • Prevent Tooth Damage: The night guard will act as a protective layer between your top and bottom teeth, stopping enamel wear. 
  • Reduce Jaw Pressure: The night guard can also help reduce the amount of strain and pressure on your jaw muscles and joints and reduce jaw pain and discomfort.
  • Prevent Other Conditions: A night guard can also help prevent or reduce symptoms of other conditions caused by bruxism, such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).

How Is a Custom Night Guard Made? 

For the night guard to be effective, you will need to get a custom one. The dentist will examine your teeth, take impressions of your mouth and send them to a lab where the technician will use the mold to create a guard that will fit you perfectly. 

Do I Need a Night Guard? 

How to tell if you need a night guard:

  • If you notice that your teeth are becoming flat, fractured, chipped, or loose. 
  • If you experience increased teeth sensitivity, especially when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks.
  • If you wake up with a sore jaw or dull headache. 
  • If you wake up during the night and are constantly tired. Maybe your partner also heard you grinding your teeth while you were asleep.

If you notice any of these signs, you should get in touch with Folsom Dental Esthetics as soon as possible. Dr. Christina Skelton will examine your teeth, check for signs of bruxism, and determine if a custom night guard is the best option for you. 

Contact us now to book your appointment. 

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