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The first step in periodontal treatment involves thoroughly examining your dental health. The dentists will examine the gums, teeth, and surrounding structures, checking for signs of redness, bleeding, and inflammation. They’ll also check the depth of your gum pockets and take X-rays of the jawbone. Doing so helps them diagnose your gum’s condition accurately.
Your Folsom dentist will use the information from the diagnosis to create a treatment plan. This plan outlines the necessary interventions to combat any periodontal issues. It outlines the treatments, required medication, and procedures to address the complications and ensure optimal gum health.
Next, the dentist will perform the treatments as indicated in the plan. Treatment may be surgical or nonsurgical, depending on the periodontal issue and its severity. Examples of non-surgical treatment include scaling and root planing. Surgical treatment, on the other hand, includes flap surgery and gum grafting.
Deep cleaning is the least complicated treatment for minor cases of gum disease. It involves removing the plaque and tartar that accumulates below the gumline. Plaque and tartar are a cluster of bacteria responsible for inflammation and reddening of gums that eventually escalate to full-blown gum disease. Deep cleaning eliminates the bacteria, stopping the progression of gum disease.
Scaling and root planing involve smoothing the rough edges on the surface of the tooth’s root. These rough areas usually harbor bacteria that infect the gums and eventually cause gum disease. Root planing involves using a scaler to smoothen the rough areas, eliminating bacteria, and reducing the depth of gum pockets by helping the gum tissue reattach to the teeth.
Gum grafting is a surgical procedure for replacing thinning or mutilated gum tissue. It’s especially ideal for patients with gum recession, restoring the gum tissue almost entirely. The process involves transferring soft tissue from your mouth palette to the affected region and stitching it in place with sutures.
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The benefits of periodontal care include clean and healthy gums to support the teeth, ensuring their stability, and preserving their chewing and bite capabilities. Healthy gums also compliment your smile, helping you look your best and take on the world more confidently and cheerfully.
No, deep cleanings are far from painful and don’t involve any local anesthetic or painkillers after the procedure. However, deep cleaning below the gumline can cause pain and discomfort that usually disappears in two to three days.
The common symptoms of gum disease include bad breath (halitosis), red gums, gum swelling, bleeding, and tenderness in the gums. Symptoms of severe gum disease are loose teeth, pain while chewing, gum recession, and teeth sensitivity when consuming hot or cold drinks.
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